
Welcome to Assam Forum

Assam posted on Oct 6, 2014

Welcome to Assam Discussion Forums. This is your forum. Use it to create your discussion threads. What is a discussion thread? A thread is a conversation starter. It basically focuses on a specific topic or issue. How it works? A member starts a thread describing the nature of the conversation. Then interested users (including the author) post replies relevant to that topic. In this way a conversation starts.

We hope this system would help in keeping the site organised.

How to create a Forum thread?

  1. Go to Assam Forums main page and find the thread creation form.
  2. Enter a title of your discussion thread. Keep it short and meaningful.
  3. Select a discussion category from the drop-down menu.
  4. Enter a description of your thread. No word limit. Describe what you want to say or ask.
  5. Press “Create a Thread” button. That’s it!

Note: You need to be logged in to create a forum discussion thread. For that you need an account. If you don’t have one, get one today. It won’t take more than a minute!


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