
Why Assam is backward in long run business

Niloy Ghosh posted on Dec 1, 2014

According to me,due to the drastic riots in middle of the state government and the terrorism is the main reason.rn Including this i want to say that we people of north east have some lack of knowledge in industrial matter if some one dreamt to open industries some one is there to critise the ideas so then and while we have to stop the ideas.rnrnSecondly,due to the weather condition we hve to pay lot ….which i mean is flood and also not proper weather to plant all types of industries.rnrnThirdly, Poor contact with central govt.rnrnForthly, We north-eastern people are little idle in comparison with wetern and southern side of our country.rnrnFifthly,we hve to learn about communication skills and there importance.rnrnSixthly,we are sharing three boarder countries China.Bangladesh, we can easily do export and import activities with prior formalities and rules.rnrnSeventhly, We should demand our government to implement loan facilities for the yong entreprenuers and they can also indulge and acts like a parental to guide/encourage us for better performances and pull out from some difficulties.rnrnLastly but not the least, We should learn about the market strategy and demands of the consumer so that we can fulfill there wants and desires with a cheap prices..rn In comparision to foreign companies.

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