
Sohum Shoppe, Dibrugarh

Sohum Shoppe, Dibrugarh business listing on Assam Yellow Pages. Find detailed Sohum Shoppe, Dibrugarh reviews, details, address & contact numbers.

Sohum shopping mall in Dibrugarh. The Sohum Dibrugarh outlet is located at Junction Mall in RKB Path, Dibrugarh. It is the 4th shop of the retail chain. Sohum Shoppe, Dibrugarh offers apparels and accessories from popular national and international brands.

Sohum Dibrugarh Photo

Sohum Shoppe, Dibrugarh Info:

Address: Sohum, Junction Mall, R. K. B. Path, Dibrugarh, Assam - 786001.

Phone: 0373-2324889
