
Navagraha Temple

Atop Nabagraha Hill in East Guwahati is the Nabagraha Temple (Navagraha Temple) – the Temple of Nine Planets. This temple an ancient seat of astrology and astronomy in Assam. Housed in a red beehive shaped dome, the central lingam in Navagraha temple is encircled by further nine representing the planets (graha)-Sun (Surya, Ravi), Moon (Chandra, Soma), Mercury (Buddh), Venus (Sukra), Mars (Mangal), Jupiter (Brhaspati) and Saturn (Sani). Two more were added, Rahu and Ketu, the dragon’s head and the dragon’s tail, or the ascending and descending nodes of the moon.

Navagraha Temple

The Navagraha temple is an important important attraction for the tourists, visiting Assam. Local people mostly visits Nabagraha Temple during Saturdays.

Map of Navagraha Temple, Guwahati:

[googlemap width="614" height="400" src=",Guwahati,+Assam&cid=0,0,18264689480444424943&t=m&vpsrc=6&ll=26.191642,91.765366&spn=0.015404,0.026307&z=15"]

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