In Assamese literature, who is known as “Bihogi Kobi”?
Raghunath Choudhary. The term “Bihogi Kobi” means “Poet of Birds” or “Bird Poet”. Raghunath Choudhary is called “Bigohi Kabi” because the subject matter of most of his poems were birds and simple things of nature. Just like English poet Wordsworth, he was an worshiper of Nature. His poems reflected his love of nature and presents the analogy of natural objects in an unique way. Bihagi Kobi Raghunath Choudhury enriched the Assamese literature with many beautiful poems such as Shikoli, Keteki, Dahikatara, Golap, and more.
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Raghunath Choudhary will alive till death of Assamese language
Raghu nath choudary
raghunath choudhary
my favourite ppoem
Raghu nath choudhary
Raghunath Choudhary is known as “Bihogi Kobi”…..his literacy work like english poet William Wordsworth………
Raghu Nath Choudhari
Raghunath choudhary is known as “Bihogi kobi”..He is also known as “Prakriti kobi” – poet of nature
Raghunath choudhury
Raghu nath choudhary