
Answer Keys – APSC Prelims 2015 Education Paper

Following are the answers to the 100 questions (answer keys) asked in Education optional question paper in APSC Combined Competitive Examination (Preliminary) 2015. Though we tried our best, we weren’t able to find satisfactory answers to some questions. So, user feedback will be appreciated. Hereby we thank our user Normada, who kindly provided the Education question paper.

APSC Prelims 2015 Education Paper Answers:

APSC 2015 Education Paper
1. b) Education word is derived from Latin word Educere which means ‘to lead out’.

2. b) Yajnavalka defined education is one which makes a man of good character and useful to the world. (Source: Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives of Education – R.P. Pathak)

3. a) According to Swami Vivekananda: “The end of all training should be man-making.” (Source: Theory and Principles of Education – A.R. Rather)

4. d) Education is interplay of educator, educand and social process.

5. d) According to John Dewey, Education is the process of reconstruction of experience. It is the development of all those capacities in the individual which will enable him to control his environment and fulfill his possibilities. (Source: Philosophical and sociological bases of education – Ravi, S. Samuel)

6. b) “Learning to be – The world of education today and tomorrow,” the Report of the International Commission on the Development of Education, UNESCO, was first published on August 1972.

7. a) Sir Percy Nunn said “Nothing good enters into the human world except in and through the free activities of individual men and women” . (Source: Theory and Principles of Education – A.R. Rather)

8. b) Democracy and Education (1916) was written by John Dewey.

9. d) Rousseau advocated theory of negative education.

10. a) Pragmatism

11. a) Percy Nunn said “By individuality, we have in mind, ideals not yet attained…….”

12. a) Emile, or On Education or Émile, or Treatise on Education by Jean-Jacques Rousseau was published in 1762

13. a) Practicability and utility

14. c) The term ‘play way’ was first used by Caldwell Cook to describe his method

15. b) Stanley Hall put forward the Recapitulatory theory of play

16. a) “heuristic” is derived from the Greek word “heurisco” meaning “I find out”

17. c) Pragmatism

18. b) The word curriculum is derived from a Latin word ‘currere’ which means ‘to run’. (Source: Improving English Teaching: Role Of Psycho-Social Factors – B. R. Parida)

19. d) According to Cunningham, “Curriculum is a tool in the hands of the artist (teacher) to mould his material (the pupils) according to his ideas (aims) in his studio (the school). (Source: Improving English Teaching: Role Of Psycho-Social Factors – B. R. Parida)

20. c) Theory of identical element was developed by E. L. Thorndike.

21. b) Natural relationship

22. a) Preventive theory

23. d) Rationalized behaviour

24. b) The Sri Prakash Committee set-up by the Ministry of Education in 1959

25. d) Nationalism should be broader in outlook and internationalism should be cosmopolitan in nature. Source: Modern Trends in Indian Education – Jagannath Mohanty

26. a) “Since wars begin in the mind of men …” written in the UNESCO constitution.

27. b) rank is a non-material reward.

28. c) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan said: “If human race is to survive, we have to subordinate national pride to the international feeling.” (Source: Philosophical and sociological bases of education – Ravi, S. Samuel)

29. a) Morarji Desai

30. a) Educational Psychology

31. b) Educational psychology is the science of behavior and experiences

32. d) According to Macdougall – “Psychology is the positive science of conduct and behaviour”

33. a) introspection

34. b) Wilhelm Wundt established first psychology lab in 1879 at the University of Leipzig.

35. d) Milton’s poetic reference to sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch

36. c) Cornea

37. b) Cerebrum

38. b) Perception is sensation plus meaning

39. c) Medulla Oblongata

40. b) Bruner identified four strategies in concept attainment, namely: simultaneous scanning strategy; Successive-scanning strategy; Conservative- focusing strategy, and Focus- gambling strategy. (Source: Essentials Of Educational Psychology – J C Aggarwal)

41. d) Hormones

42. b) to drive out

43. b) According to McDougall there are thirteen principal instincts

44. c) According to Woodworth, Emotion is a moved or stirred-up state of an organism.

45. a) Physiological needs.

46. d) Horme

47. a) word motivation has been derived from the Latin word ‘motum’ which means to move, motor and motion

48. d) Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

49. d) C.F. Skinner said “Motivation in school learning involves arousing, persisting, sustaining and directing desirable behaviour.

50. a) Edward Thorndike was an American psychologist.

51. a) Edward Thorndike gave Connectionism theory.

52. d) Gates defined learning as “Learning is the modification of behaviour through experience and training.

53. d) Thorndike’s Law of Effect

54. b) Spearman’s Two-Factor Theory is also known as Eclectic Theory. Source: Education and Communication for Development – Dahama

55. a) Mental age was first defined by the French psychologist Alfred Binet.

56. c) Lewis M. Terman at Stanford University revised and refined the BinetSimon test

57. b) Education: its data and first principles was written by Thomas Percy Nunn

58. a) Aim of complete living in Education was propounded by Herbert Spencer

59. c) Education Commission or Kothari Commission (1964-66) declared, “the destiny of India is now being shaped in her classrooms”

60. d) Word Statistics is derived from Latin word ‘Status’, from Italian word ‘statista’ , German word ‘statistic’ and French word ‘Statistque’ – all meaning political state.

61. c) Francis Galton is considered as father of the statistics.

62. b) Ordinal scale allows ordering in rank. So also called rank scale.

63. c) Ratio scale has an absolute zero

64. c) Positive Correlation

65. a) Quartile deviation =(Q3-Q1)/2

66. b) Highest marks in mathematics and lowest mark in drawing d) None of the above

67. b)

68. c) Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient

69. b) T. B. Macaulay minute on 2nd February 1835

70. c) Macaulay

71. c) The section 43 of the charter of 1813 recommended “….a sum of not less than one lakh of rupees in each year shall be set apart and applied to the revival and improvement of literature and …”.

72. d) William Adam

73. d) In 1836 Lord Auckland was appointed of Governor-General of India. Some books says 1837.

74. c) Educational despatch of the board of control.

75. a) In 1857 universities established in Calcutta, Bombay and Madras.

76. a) Queen Victoria took over power in 1858

77. b) Ripon

78. a) Primary education imparted through medium of mother tongue.

79. a) Provincial Government should grant one third of the total expenditure

80. c) In 1912, King George V declared a donation of 50 lakh rupees for the development of education in India

81. b) Lord Curzon – Benevolent autocrat.

82. a) Gandhi started the non-cooperation movement in January 1921.

83. d) Autonomy

84. b) Wastage.

85. a) Sabarmati Ashram

86. b) 1938 Indian National Congress session in Haripura, Gujarat.

87. a) Assam Primary Education Act was passed in 1926.

88. b) 1935 – Movement for Adult Education in India started.

89. c) Ishwar Bhai patel Committee (1978). Source: Principles of Education – S.S. Chandra, Rajendra Kumar Sharma

90. c) Social Education from 1949.

91. a) National Adult Education Programme (NAEP) launched on 2 October 1978

92. a) IGNOU came into existence in September, 1985.

93. a) Kothari Commission – neighbouring school concept

94. c) Adult Education – 15 to 35 years

95. a) National Policy on Education (1986)

96. b) Indian Education Commission or Kothari Commission (1964-1966)

97. b) 10+2+3 structure of education.

98. a) Macaulay developed the policy of Downward Filtration Theory

99. c) Informal education

100. b) Commonness is not found in community is wrong.

Edited by Admin with valuable input from Rumi.

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