Dibrugarh District of Assam
The district of Dibrugarh with only one sub-division is situated in the eastern part of Assam. The district is surrounded by Dhemaji district and a part of Lakhimpur district in the north, part of Sivasagar district and Arunachal Pradesh in the south, Tinsukia district in the East and Sivasagar dist in the West. The Brahmaputra River flows in the north.
![Dibrugarh Tea Garden Dibrugarh Tea Garden](http://www.assams.info/images/mix/Dibrugarh-Tea-Garden.jpg)
Dibrugarh Tea Garden
The river Brahmaputra flows throughout the North Western boundary of the district. The only tributary falling at Brahmaputra in the district is Buridihing tributary which divided the district from East to West. It touches the town Naharkatia in the East, Khowang in the middle and at the last part of its course forms the boundary line between Dibrugarh and Sibsagar districts. The Dibrugarh district is a plain district of Assam. The entire is flat with gradual slop from the East Arunachal hills to the West. The soil of the district is mostly fertile Alluvial soil and this adjorning with the river Brahmaputra are composed sand and clay in varying proportion.
Dibrugarh town is the district headquarter, situated on the southern bank of the Brahamaputra, it is connected by broad gauge railway line of N.F. Railway to the rest of the state and the country through Tinsukia. The N.H.-37 is the major road running through the district. Mohanbari Airport is located at a distance of about 16 KM from Dibrugarh town, which serves the Upper Assam district of Dibrugarh, Tinsukia and Sivasagar and Arunachal Pradesh and is linked with Guwahati, Kolkata, and Delhi. Besides, the Air force field at Chabua (Nadua) at a distance of about 25 KM from Dibrugarh is also used for air link with other important towns of the North East and Kolkata.
Oil and Tea are the major industries of the district. Dibrugarh district has 144 Tea Gardens. The headquarter of the Oil India Ltd. is located at Duliajan, at a distance of about 50 KM from Dibrugarh town. The Fertiliser Corporation of India and Assam Petro-Chemicals Ltd. At Namrup and the Assam Gas Co. at Duliajan, NEEPCO near Duliajan are some of the other major industries in the district.
Some Facts about Dibrugarh district:
- Geographical Area: 3381 sq. K.m.
- Total population: 1185072
- Airport: 1 (Mohanbari)
- Tea Gardens: 144
- University: 1 (Dibrugarh University)
- Medical College: 1 (Assam Medical College)
- Revenue Circles: 7 (Dibrugarh East Revenue Circle, Dibrugarh West Revenue Circle, Moran Revenue Circle, Tingkhong Revenue Circle, Naharkatiya Revenue Circle, Tengakhat Revenue Circle and Chabua Revenue Circle.)
- Development Blocks: 7 (Barbaruah Development Block, Joypur Development Block, Khowang Development Block, Lahowal Development Block, Panitola Development Block, Tengakhat Development Block and Tingkhong Development Block.)
Map of Dibrugarh, Assam:
[googlemap width="614" height="400" src="http://maps.google.co.in/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Dibrugarh,+Assam&aq=0&sll=26.17177,91.566881&sspn=0.020721,0.038581&vpsrc=6&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Dibrugarh,+Assam&t=m&ll=27.476826,94.912605&spn=0.03046,0.0527&z=14"]
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